As anyone who gardens in Minnesota knows, spring planting season never begins until Mother's Day in May, after the threat of frost has passed. There is one welcomed crop that defies the season and begins to push up through even snow covered ground--garlic! Planted in October, the bulbs lie dormant under the frozen winter soil until the return of daylight hours and the first signs of warmer air.
Our household can't get enough of garlic. We use it on a daily basis for nearly every dish. As in years past, we planted several different varieties of cold climate tolerant hard necked garlics. And, for something different, we planted cloves from our 2019 season bulbs. About 60 to 70 in all. Garlic is remarkably easy to plant, and there are a great number of information sources to help guide you to a successful harvest.
We here at Our Urban Farms look to these young plants with hopeful anticipation of an early and long growing season in 2020 and a successful harvest come late July and early August!