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Our Urban Farms

Organic Hair Styling Gel

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Organic Hair Styling Gel
What you Need:

1/4 to 1/2 cup Organic dried flax seed
2 cups water
Tea Tree oil (optional)
Other Essential Oil (optional)


Place flax seed and water in a sauce pan on the stove and bring to a slow boil. Simmer the mixture until it thickens to the desired thickness. Strain out the seeds and put them in a small container in the freezer, because they can be re-used to make more hair gel another time.

Allow the gel to cool and add a few drops of tea tree or other essential oils as desired for fragrance.

Apply the gel to wet hair and work it throughout the hair completely. Style and allow to dry.

The oil in the flax seed will condition the hair while the gel holds the style.


Because the gel contains no preservatives, keep it refrigerated for up to a few weeks. Or, pour it into an ice cube tray to freeze it into cubes. Store the cubes of gel in an air tight container in the freezer for many months and thaw as needed.

3312 46th Ave S. - Minneapolis, MN 55406


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